Acts of Pilate

The Acts of Pilate (Latin Acta Pilati Greek Πράξεις Πιλάτου), also called the Gospel of Pilate, is a book of New Testament apocrypha.[1] The dates of its accreted sections are uncertain, but scholars agree in assigning the resulting work to the middle of the fourth century.[2] The text is found in the Greek Acts of Peter and Paul and as an appendix to the medieval Latin Gospel of Nicodemus rumored to be written by a member of the Order of Nicodemus, although there is no intrinsic relation between the independent texts.


Manuscript history

The oldest sections of the book appear first in Greek. The text contains multiple parts, which are uneven in style and would seem to be by different hands. The oldest section—an invented Report of Pilate to the Emperor Claudius, inserted as an appendix—may have been composed in the late 2nd century,  but most of the "Acts" were written later. The Acts of Pilate does not purport to have been written by Pilate (thus is not pseudepigraphical), but does claim to have been derived from the official acts preserved in the praetorium at Jerusalem. An alleged "Hebrew" original is falsely attributed to Nicodemus, hence the title Gospel of Nicodemus that the text gained in the Middle Ages. It had a considerable effect on medieval popular Christianity, an effect that it carries in some quarters still. Its popularity is attested by the number of languages in which it exists, each in several manuscript traditions, or "editions."

Core texts

The main body of Acta Pilati is in two sections, with an appendix, Descensus ad Infernos—the Harrowing of Hell—that does not exist in the Greek texts, and is a later addition to the Latin versions. The first (chapters i–xi) contains the trial of Jesus based upon Luke 23. The second part (xii–xvi) regards the Resurrection. In it, Leucius and Charinus, the two souls raised from the dead after the Crucifixion, relate to the Sanhedrin the circumstances of the descent of Christ to Limbo. A literature of miracle-tale romance developed around a conflated "Leucius Charinus" as an author of further texts. The Harrowing of Hell episode depicts St Dismas accompanying Christ in Hell, and the deliverance of the righteous Old Testament patriarchs.

An appended text purports to be a written report made by Pontius Pilate to Claudius, containing an anti-Semitic description of the crucifixion, as well as an account of the resurrection of Jesus; both are presented as if in an official report.[3] One series of Latin manuscripts includes as an appendix or continuation, the episode Cura Sanitatis Tiberii ("The Cure of Tiberius"), the oldest form of the Veronica legend, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, in which Emperor Tiberius is cured of his malady. (Compare the legend of the Image of Edessa.)

Dating and readership

The Church historian Eusebius of Caesarea (writing c. 325), shows no acquaintance with this work, although he was aware of "Letters of Pilate" referred to by Justin and Tertullian. He was also aware of an anti-Christian text called Acts of Pilate, which was prescribed for reading in schools under the emperor Maximinus during the Diocletianic Persecution.[4] "We are forced to admit that [the Christian Acts of Pilate] is of later origin, and scholars agree in assigning it to the middle of the fourth century."[2] Epiphanius refers to an Acta Pilati (c. 376), but the extant Greek texts show evidence of later editing.

Though the Acta Pilati purports to be a report by Pontius Pilate containing evidence of Jesus Christ's messiahship and godhead, there is no record in early Christian lore of Pilate's conversion to Christianity. It seems unlikely that the work was ever meant to have been taken seriously by Christians; instead, its purpose was to offer further conjectural details about the life of Christ as a pious entertainment, part of a larger body of Pilate literature.

Justin the Martyr wrote, "And that these things did happen, you can ascertain from the Acts of Pontius Pilate."[5] The Apology letters were written and addressed by name to the Roman Emperor Pius and the Roman Governor Urbicus. All three of these men lived between 138–161 AD.

The Acta Pilati have had a long history inspiring devotional works. A Meditatione sopra la Passione del nostro signore iesu christo, drawing in part on Acta Pilati for its expanded anecdotal elements in the Passion, was printed twenty-eight times in Italy between about 1476 and 1500, and inspired the depiction of Christ before Pilate by Pontormo.[6]


  1. ^ Sometimes misconstrued as pseudepigrapha, as, for example, at The Origin of the Bible: The Extent of the Bible.
  2. ^ a b  Reid, George (1913). "Acta Pilati". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 
  3. ^ Report of Pilate
  4. ^ Edgar Hennecke, New Testament Apocrypha (1963 ed.) vol. 1 p. 445.
  5. ^ The First and Second Apology of Justin, Chapter 35
  6. ^ Laura M. Giles, "Christ before Pilate: a major composition study by Pontormo", Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies 17.1 (1991:34-51).

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